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Catalogue AliExpress
Deyngs China
(13 items)
Men's Clothing
Mobile Phones
You can buy the items Deyngs at the official shop. Our AliExpress catalogue offers the best selection of the item Deyngs. The biggest number of items is offered in the categories:
synthetic weave
"jumbo braids"
"dread loc/faux loc"
from China.
Categories of brand Deyngs
"Jumbo Braids"
hair extensions & wigs
beauty & health
synthetic weave
"jumbo braids"
"dread loc/faux loc"
synthetic extensions
synthetic bangs
synthetic clip-in one piece
synthetic ponytails
Popular items of this brand
Deyngs two tone grey/purple ombre kanekalon braiding hair kinky straight hair extension african synthetic braiding hair 100g/pcs-in synthetic weave from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Synthetic Weave by Deyngs
Brand: Deyngs
291,96 р.
Deyngs 24 дюймов омбре плетение волос "канеколон" наращивание два тона крючком косички волос синтетические пучки кос жгутов африканская прическа-in jumbo косы from пряди и парики для волос on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
"Jumbo Braids" by Deyngs
Brand: Deyngs
305,26 р.
Deyngs 18 дюймов длинные вязаные косы химическое наращивание волос натуральный синтетических плетение замки искусственная locs вьющиеся волосы 24strands/pack 6 цветов
"Dread Loc/Faux Loc" by Deyngs
Brand: Deyngs
405,01 р.
Deyngs 18 дюймов длинные синтетические вязанная косами химическое наращивание волос натуральный для женщин плетение замки искусственная locs волос чёрный; коричневый красного цвета
"Dread Loc/Faux Loc" by Deyngs
Brand: Deyngs
405,01 р.
Deyngs 20inch goddess faux locs crochet hair in braiding natural synthetic braiding hair low teperature fiber 24strands/pack-in dread loc/faux loc from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
"Dread Loc/Faux Loc" by Deyngs
Brand: Deyngs
405,01 р.
Deyngs 1pc clip in bangs fake hair extension natural false synthetic hairpieces fringe bangs clip on front neat bang for women-in synthetic bangs from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Synthetic Bangs by Deyngs
Sold: 14
Brand: Deyngs
577,36 р.
Deyngs 5 clips in hair extensions one piece long wavy synthetic wig high temperature false hair hairpieces for women 24inch-in synthetic clip-in one piece from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Synthetic Clip-in One Piece by Deyngs
Sold: 101
Brand: Deyngs
667,91 р.
394,21 р.
High puff afro curly wig ponytail drawstring short afro kinky pony tail clip in on synthetic curly hair bun made of kanekalon-in synthetic ponytails from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Synthetic Ponytails by Deyngs
Sold: 2718
Brand: Deyngs
982,76 р.
560,32 р.
Synthetic curly hair ponytail african american short afro kinky curly wrap synthetic drawstring puff pony tail hair extensions-in synthetic ponytails from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress
Synthetic Ponytails by Deyngs
Sold: 2266
Brand: Deyngs
922,99 р.
553,53 р.
Deyngs 75cm long curly ponytail 220g artificial synthetic tress claw in pony tail hair extension natural false women's hairpiece-in synthetic ponytails from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress
Synthetic Ponytails by Deyngs
Sold: 259
Brand: Deyngs
1 198,73 р.
695,47 р.
Deyngs long wavy ponytail extension for women synthetic wrap around magic paste curly ponytail corn wave clip in hairpiece-in synthetic ponytails from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress
Synthetic Ponytails by Deyngs
Sold: 86
Brand: Deyngs
678,49 р.
427,20 р.
Deyngs synthetic clip in bangs short straight fringe hair extensions front on brown black women bangs one piece heat resistant-in synthetic bangs from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Synthetic Bangs by Deyngs
Sold: 8
Brand: Deyngs
546,72 р.
322,73 р.
Deyngs 5clips in hair extensions silky straight 24inch synthetic fake false hair piece clips on hairpieces for women 13 colors-in synthetic clip-in one piece from hair extensions & wigs on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Synthetic Clip-in One Piece by Deyngs
Sold: 60
Brand: Deyngs
657,02 р.
381,28 р.
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