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1.6326530612245% Complete

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1.6326530612245% Complete

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Information about the seller

🕙 10 months at the marketplace
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💫 package shipping in 1-3 days
☝ items can be different from the photos

Babyhouse Store: rating TopChina - 0

70% Complete

We have analyzed customer reviews, security parameters of the seller, and compiled their actual rating


  • 🔥 AliExpress customers are actively leaving reviews on this seller
  • Total reviews: 245. Positive: 200, Negative: 41.
  • ☝ Summary: Seller rating is very low, we do not recommend buy with them.
The shop Babyhouse Store is specialized in the following item categories Electronic Pets, Squeeze Toys, Toy Balls, "Puppets", Yoyos, Play Mats, Blouses & Shirts, Overalls, Toy Walkie Talkies, Gags & Practical Jokes. Most popular brands at this seller: Arshiner, Smibie, Ни,Ни, FANALA

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