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Information about the seller

🕙 10 months at the marketplace
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💫 package shipping in 1-3 days
🙌 items match the photos and description

Outdoor Made In China: rating TopChina - 0

70% Complete

We have analyzed customer reviews, security parameters of the seller, and compiled their actual rating


  • 💤 A few reviews for this seller, pay attention to their rating TopChina
  • Total reviews: 3. Positive: 1, Negative: 2.
  • ☝ Summary: Seller rating is very low, we do not recommend buy with them.
The shop Outdoor Made In China is specialized in the following item categories Decorations, Furniture Accessories, Storage Bags, Clothes Pegs, Money Boxes, Hourglasses, Shoe Racks & Organizers, Curtain Decorative Accessories, "Customized Party Supplies", Cushion. Most popular brands at this seller: Mansuoluo, flemall

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