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Catalogue AliExpress
Professional Security Series Store
Товары от Professional Security Series Store
( 65 items)
Electric Attendance
Facial Recognition Device
Video Intercom
Fingerprint Recognition Device
Control Card Readers
Access Control Accessories
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Мы нашли 65 items продавца
Professional Security Series Store
. Самая популярная категория продавца -
Electric Attendance
. Обычно у продавца покупают:
Video Intercom
Facial Recognition Device
Fingerprint Recognition Device
Control Card Readers
Access Control Accessories
. Чаще всего покупатели выбирают товары бренда
Hot sale standalone uf200 color screen with camera tcp/ip biometric time attendance and access control system-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Sold: 3
Brand: ximiir
4 004,55 р.
Good guality 7 inch tft lcd color screen wired video door phone video door bell night version intercom for villa v7d s-in video intercom from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
6 418,01 р.
3.5inch wireless video door phone door bell-in video intercom from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 923,10 р.
7 inch tft lcd video intercom video door phone smart good looking night version adjustable camera v7d l(s)-in video intercom from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 750,04 р.
Iface503 rfid facial and fingerprint recognition time attendance device with camera 4.3 screen tcp/ip door access control-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
23 945,21 р.
High tech office with facial fingerprint access control time attendance system tcp/ip gprs and camera free shipping-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
23 945,88 р.
Hot sale free sdk 3''tft touch screen standalone linux system tcp/ip ef100 face time recorder biometric emoloyee attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
8 337,71 р.
Free shipping facial and fingerprint time attendance access control wifi and tcp/ip built with battery office equipment-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
18 376,30 р.
Ef100 free software tcp/ip communication time clock two colors select biometric face time attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
8 337,71 р.
Linux system office equipment tcp/ip communication wall time clock ef100 face time attendance system employee attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 003,67 р.
Standalone 2.8" tft color screenwifitcp/ip communication uf100 biometric time reader device face and fingerprint time attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 670,69 р.
Rfid face and fingerprint scanner time attendance and access control 4.3 screen rs232&485 optional battery time clock-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
18 342,28 р.
Tcp/ip time attendance access control with backup battery and rfid card smart face access controller-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
18 342,94 р.
High quality iface703 tcp/ip linux system fingerprint identify access controller rfid touch screen face time attendance recorder-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
18 342,28 р.
Автономный iface702 лицо сканер отпечатков пальцев контроля доступа tcp/ip 125 кгц читать читатель электронного оборудования посещаемости машины
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
13 166,23 р.
8000 photo record 500 face user 1000 fingerprint capacity tcp/ip standaolone time clock mi fare card biometric access control-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
11 642,77 р.
4.3'tft touch screen fingerprint and facial recognition biometric scanner tcp/ip camera face time attendance access control-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
17 675,26 р.
Tcp/ip network linux system rfid card 1000 fingerprint user 3 ''tft touch screen iface102 face & fingerprint time attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
12 006,29 р.
Wi fi tcp/ip fingerprint recognition access controller 125khz infrared camera time clock face time attendance biometric clock-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
20 343,33 р.
Free shipping door access control with gprs tcp/ip rfid card reader zk iface703 face and fingerprint time attendance equipment-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
23 945,21 р.
Smart card 13.56mhz gprs tcp/ip infrared camera machine face and fingerprint access control system and time attendance recorder-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
24 612,23 р.
Good quality mf fare reader 4.3inch screen rs485 tcfp/ip communication zk iface702 face fingerprint recognition time attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
14 673,69 р.
Iface802 face access controler 13.56mhz rs232&4855 communicate 1200 face users face fingerprint time clock reader-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
19 009,29 р.
Face recognition mi fare gprs tcp/ip rs232&485 infrared camera 4.3'tft touch screen face access controller time attendance-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
18 609,08 р.
Zk standalone linux system with 8000 photo record rfid card reader face and fingerprint time recorder and access control system-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
8 670,55 р.
Hot sale zk multi biometric identification with infrared camera gm500 time clock time attendance and access control terminal-in electric attendance from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Electric Attendance by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 997,53 р.
Iface302 face time attendance and access control 4.3inch touch screen double camera with wifi communication-in facial recognition device from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
14 154,35 р.
Three families video door phone wireless video door phone with night version camera good quality and cheap price 3422p-in video intercom from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
23 626,57 р.
Модные роскошные алюминиевого сплава камера с ик ночного видения hands free интерком дверной звонок 7 дюймов цветной экран видео-телефон двери
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
4 409,42 р.
6 шт. ик-камеры открытый камеры системы провода для подключения замка-камеры 7 "tft цветной экран vidio дверь телефон видео дверной звонок
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
4 606,86 р.
Хорошее качество ик дверь камеры контроля доступа видео домофон дверной звонок 7 дюймов ночного видения и камеры контроля доступа
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
4 277,79 р.
7 дюймов видео домофон видео-телефон двери поставляются с rfid card reader поддержка 500 пользователей ip55 один к одному видео домофон
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 173,53 р.
Настенный 7 "tft/жк-дисплей провода видео-телефон двери ик дверь камеры контроля доступа видео домофон дверной звонок системы
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
4 277,79 р.
Ip55 водонепроницаемый наружный блок проводной дверной звонок системы hands free видео-телефон двери с ночного видения ик видеодомофон
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 528,23 р.
Новый беспроводной видео-телефон двери видеодомофон дистанционный пульт управления для мобильных устройств wi-fi tcp видео-телефон двери
Video Intercom by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
4 080,36 р.
Iface102 fingerprint time attendance tcp/ip communication mf card reader biometric face time attendance-in facial recognition device from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
11 665,60 р.
Zk я уход за кожей лица 702 биометрических времени лицо и фингерпринта
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
14 758,09 р.
Free shipping good quality 5pcs/lot n81 wiegand26 rf distance 5~15cm access control smart ic card reader-in control card readers from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Control Card Readers by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 735,53 р.
New model iface302/iface502/iface702/iface802 face time attendance protect box metal box with key access control protect box-in access control kits from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 500,75 р.
Fit in vf300 vf360 vf380 vf500 vf560 vf580 vf600 vf680 face access control & time recorder safety waterproof protect cover box-in facial recognition device from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 500,75 р.
Multibio800 face access control and time attendance waterproof protect box protect cover safety protect housing iface3-in access control kits from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
12 343,13 р.
Hot sale new product iface series time attendance iface302 iface702 iface502 waterproof protect cover protect metal box-in facial recognition device from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 500,75 р.
Популярные tcp/ip 1500 лица пользователей 2000 и отпечатков пальцев пользователей контроля доступа по отпечаткам пальцев лицо время посещения системы
Facial Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
9 056,10 р.
Tcp/ip usb rfid-карты биометрия отпечатков пальцев время записи и сенсорный экран сотрудника время посещения системы
Fingerprint Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
5 634,24 р.
Free shipping rfid card reader in01 a fingerprint time attendance and access control with adms,3g,backup battery function-in fingerprint recognition device from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Fingerprint Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
13 872,60 р.
Водонепроницаемый посещаемости времени zk ma300 отпечатков пальцев и 125 кгц rfid-карты доступа двери управление tcp/ip связь
Fingerprint Recognition Device by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
8 251,12 р.
Free shipping 5pcs/lot of proximity 125khz em id keypad card reader with wiegand 26 interface x006-in control card readers from security & protection on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Control Card Readers by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
7 379,05 р.
Waterproof rfid 125 khz,id access control card reader with wiegand26 x007-in control card readers from security & protection on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Control Card Readers by ximiir
Brand: ximiir
888,84 р.
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