Customer reviews

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7.4074074074074% Complete

😑 Average

7.4074074074074% Complete

🤥 Bad

Item matching (4.5)
Loyalty (4.5)
Shipping speed (4.5)

Information about the seller

🕙 10 months at the marketplace
📩 quickly replies to messages

📦 quick package shipping
🙌 items match the photos and description

TOP-XV Store: rating TopChina - 26

70% Complete

We have analyzed customer reviews, security parameters of the seller, and compiled their actual rating


  • 💤 A few reviews for this seller, pay attention to their rating TopChina
  • Total reviews: 27. Positive: 23, Negative: 2.
  • ☝ Summary: This seller has a low rating, you'd better check out other sellers.
The shop TOP-XV Store is specialized in the following item categories DVD & VCD Player, Home Theatre System. Most popular brands at this seller: measy, H96

Popular items TOP-XV Store