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TXM China . Страница 4
(358 items)
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Flexible plum clamp coupler d20 l30 shaft size cnc jaw shaft coupling 4/5/6/6.35/7/8/10mm 5mm 8mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
167,05 р.
4pcs d40 l66 flexible coupler d40 l66 cnc jaw spider shaft coupling 8/10/12/12.7/14/15/16/17/18/19/20mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
2 176,98 р.
3 шт./лот гибкая муфта 6.35 мм до 8 мм, 10 мм степпер муфты вала двигателя 3/4/5/6/6.35/8/10 мм
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
403,20 р.
3pcs flexible coupler shaft coupling d18 l25 cnc router parts shaft hole size 3mm, 4mm ,5mm, 6mm, 6.35mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 1/4 .-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
171,08 р.
5pcs flexible shaft coupler motor coupling 3mm, 4mm ,5mm, 6mm, 6.35mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 1/4 .25 inch bore size-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
285,12 р.
2pcs aluminium cnc stepper motor flexible couplings d25 l30 shaft coupler 5, 6, 6.35, 8, 10, 12, 12.7mm 1/2", 1/4"|coupler 5mm|shaft coupler 5mmshaft coupler - aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 48
Brand: TXM
260,97 р.
2pcs 6.35x10mm cnc stepper motor jaw shaft coupler flexible coupling od 25x30mm shaft coupler 6.35 mm to 10mm 6.35*10mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
262,32 р.
5 шт. чпу мотор к швп гибкая муфт соединительная муфта 5 6 6,35 8 10 12,7 1/2 ", 1/4 "дюймов. 25
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
623,24 р.
5 шт. 5x8 мм вал муфты od20mm * 25 мм гибкая муфта 5 мм до 8 мм шаговый двигатель 5*8 мм
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
499,13 р.
5pcs aluminium cnc shaft couplings od20mm*25mm flexible coupler stepper motor engraving machine 4 5 6 7 8 6.35mm .25" 1/4 inch-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 13
Brand: TXM
431,95 р.
3pcs cnc coupler id 4 5 6 6.35 7 8mm aluminium stepper motor flexible shaft coupling|flexible shaft coupling|shaft couplingcnc coupler - aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 217
Brand: TXM
250,29 р.
Rm1605 ball screw l 250mm or 200mm, or 220mm + sfu1605 nut + bk12 bf12 +housing + d25 l30 jaw coupler 6.35mm to 10mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
1 822,09 р.
Гибкий зажим винтовой соединитель d20 l25 валом 4 5 6 6,35 7 8 мм
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
83,86 р.
4pcs flexible jaw spider plum coupling shaft coupler 4/5/6/6.35/8/10 mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
845,30 р.
4pcs jaw spider shaft coupler flexible coupling shaft 4/5/6/6.35/7/8/10mm d20 l30 cnc motor 3d printer-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 15
Brand: TXM
688,34 р.
1pcs cnc jaw spider shaft coupler flexible coupling 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 12.7mm, 1/2, 14mm, 15mm .25 .5 inch-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
182,48 р.
4 шт. с чпу гибкая муфта щековая паук соединительная муфта, двигателя муфта 5/6/7/8/9/9,525/10/11/12/ 12,7/13/14/15/16 мм
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
1 222,33 р.
4pcs cnc motor 5, 6, 6.35,1/4, 7,8,9,9.525,10,12,12.7,1/2,14, 15, 16 mm jaw spider shaft coupler flexible coupling-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 12
Brand: TXM
1 236,39 р.
1pcs flexible coupler d40 l66 cnc jaw spider shaft coupling 8, 10, 12, 12.7, 1/2, 14, 15, 5/8, 16, 17mm, 18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 22mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
267,68 р.
Shaft coupling flexible jaw spider plum coupler 4mm 5mm 6 6.35 7mm 8 9mm 9.525mm 10 11 12 12.7mm 1/4" 1/2" 3/8"-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 12
Brand: TXM
176,24 р.
Cnc motor flexible coupling jaw spider shaft coupler 5/6/8/10/6.35/7/12/9.525/12.7/11/13/14/15/16mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
200,60 р.
2pcs 4/5/6/6.35/7/8/10mm 5mm to 8mm shaft coupling 5x8mm flexible jaw spider plum coupler diameter=20mm length=30mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 28
Brand: TXM
543,90 р.
2pcs flexible jaw spider plum coupler 15mm 17mm 20mm 22mm 25mm 25.4mm shaft coupling diameter 65mm length 90mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
2 629,82 р.
1pc 6 8 10mm 1/4 inch plum flexible shaft coupling motor connector flexible coupler 4/5/6.35/7/9/9.525/11/12/12.7mm|flexible coupler|flexible shaft couplingshaft coupling - aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 32
Brand: TXM
172,87 р.
Cnc motor plum shaft flexible jaw spider coupler motor coupling d30 l35 5/6/6.35/7/8/9/9.525/10/11/12/12.7/14/15/16mm-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 30
Brand: TXM
180,21 р.
Cnc plum shaft flexible jaw spider coupler motor coupling 5 6 6.35 7 8 9 9.525 10 11 12 14 15 16mm|coupling 5mm|motor couplingcoupler motor - aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 22
Brand: TXM
206,65 р.
Jaw spider plum flexible coupler 8mm 10mm 12mm 12.7 14mm 15mm 15.875mm 16mm 17mm 18mm 19mm 20mm 22mm motor shaft coupling d40-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 13
Brand: TXM
341,41 р.
20pcs cnc coupler jaw spider plum coupler shaft coupling 4 5 6 6.35 7 8 10 mm flexible coupling-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
3 280,56 р.
1pcs jaw spider plum flexible coupler 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 inch 12.7mm motor shaft coupling d40 l55-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
301,90 р.
3pcs rigid couplings clamping solid shaft coupler d20 l25 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm 6.35mm 8mm rigid coupler-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
281,77 р.
Жесткая соединительная муфта зажим 5 мм до 8 мм степпер серводвигатель муфта d20 l25 5x8 мм чпу мельница
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
102,65 р.
Жесткая соединительная муфта зажим 8 мм до 12 мм степпер серводвигатель муфта 8x12 мм dia25 длина 30 мм чпу мельница
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
152,96 р.
2 шт. жесткой соединительная муфта до 5 6 6,35 8 10 12 12,7 мм чпу шагового двигателя муфты clamp d25 l30
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
295,19 р.
2pcs rigid shaft coupler 5mm to 8mm stepper servo motor clamp coupling 5mm x 8mm d20 l25 3d cnc mill router-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
197,91 р.
10pcs rigid shaft coupler clamp 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm,6.35mm,7mm,8mm stepper servo motor coupling d20 l25 cnc mill-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
1 083,46 р.
Жесткая соединительная муфта зажим 6.35 мм до 12 мм степпер серводвигатель муфта 6.35x12 мм dia25 длина 30 мм чпу мельница
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
152,96 р.
Rigid shaft coupler stepper servo motor coupling 5mm, 6mm, 6.35mm, .25 1/4 inch, 10mm, 12mm, 12.7mm, .5 1/2 d25 l30mm cnc mill-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 29
Brand: TXM
152,18 р.
Rigid shaft coupler clamp stepper servo motor coupling d20 l25 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 6.35mm, 7mm, 8mm 1/4 .25 10mm inch cnc-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress - 11.11_double 11_singles' day
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
102,65 р.
Жесткая соединительная муфта зажим 8 мм до 8 мм степпер серводвигатель муфта d20 l25 8x8 мм чпу мельница
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
102,65 р.
Жесткая соединительная муфта зажим 6.35 мм до 10 мм степпер серводвигатель муфта 6.35x10 мм dia25 длина 30 мм чпу мельница
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
152,96 р.
2 шт. 5x8 мм гибкая щековая паук plum муфта d20 l25 шагового двигателя муфта 5 мм 6 мм 6,35 мм 7 мм 8 мм 10 мм 1/4 ". 25
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
334,77 р.
40 шт. 6,35x10 мм гибкая щековая паук муфта 4 5 6 6,35 7 8 10 размер вала
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
6 634,91 р.
5pcs cnc jaw spider plum shaft flexible coupler motor coupling d20 l25 bore 4mm 5mm 6mm 6.35mm 7mm 8mm 10mm 1/4" inch-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
835,24 р.
Cnc jaw spider motor plum shaft coupling flexible coupler 4/5/6/6.35/7/8/10 mm d 20 l 25-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
3 280,56 р.
Shaft coupler flexible coupling 8mm 10mm d25 l30 for cnc 3d printer stepper motor 5/6/8/10/12/12.7mm|flexible coupling 8mm|flexible couplingcoupling 8mm - aliexpress
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 16
Brand: TXM
110,58 р.
4pcs shaft coupler flexible coupling d25 l30 5mm, 6mm, 6.35mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 12.7mm for cnc 3d printer stepper motor-in shaft couplings from home improvement on aliexpress.com | alibaba group
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Sold: 29
Brand: TXM
681,45 р.
5 шт. 5x12 мм щековая соединительная муфта гибкий муфта 25x30 мм соединительная муфта 5 мм для 12 мм d25 l30
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
623,24 р.
2 шт. 5x12 мм щековая соединительная муфта гибкий муфта 25x30 мм соединительная муфта 5 мм до 12 мм d25 l30
Shaft Couplings by TXM
Brand: TXM
262,32 р.
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